A Church For My Daughter
Our Children And The Truth

Facing Fear

I am up for trying something new. Sort of. Not really. No, please don't ask me to do anything new. This attribute annoys my husband. If I am not a natural at a new activity, I don't stick with it. This comes in large part from my need for high praise. And I hate to feel the struggling awkwardness that comes from new.


But this week, I am stretching myself. I can trace eveidence of God asking me to do so. I don't know about you but when God has me learning something new, He gets rather repititive. I hear the message in a sermon, in songs, in Bible study, in books I am reading, in a conversation with a friend, in the next week's sermon. You get the idea.


The current lesson God and I are working on is facing fear. I am a planner. Before I started this blog, I had fifteen articles written. I proofread each one multiple times. My whole life, I have not been a procastinator. Not because I wanted to start working on things early. Well, maybe it was that a little. But mostly because I had a fear that if I waited too late to work on a project, it might not get done. Or it might be an inferior product. I might not get high praise. God tells me face your fear.


So, I read a blog post from Jennifer Fulwiler, 7 Posts, 7 Days. She invited bloggers to join her in writing a post a day, starting today, for one week. I have that many posts already prepared... but I decided to do what for me would be very God-honoring. I have invited Him to show up this week in my weakness. I am going to procratistinate (in a way) by not writing my blog post until the day it's due. I am going to sit down and compose said post on my blog directly without editing it in Pages first. 


This challenge may not compare to the likes of David taking on Goliath. But as I read through Leviticus, I am reminded God cares so very much about the small and big details in our lives. So, together, we'll face this fear. After all, He's been asking me to do so.


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