Top Ten Signs You Do Not Have A Leg Hugger
A Response to Sacred Scared

Introducing Friday Conversations… On Thursday

Years ago, I completed a Bible study by Henry Blackaby, “Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing The Will Of God.” I can trace many foundational truths back to this study. One idea drives much of my faith activity to this day. He recommends we “find out where God is at work and join Him there.” 


How refreshingly simple! Our role as believers isn’t to come up with the next great idea all by ourselves and then go do it solo. Busy work. God has taught me over the years He works all around us. Be still enough to recognize Him at work, then join Him. He invites us to do so!


We see this determination in the life of Jesus as well. We read one example in John when he records Jesus saying,

but the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me.” (John 14:31)


This past week, I came across that word “join” again.


Join the conversation. 


I read multiple books at a time. Always. I just completed, "On Becoming a Writer: What Every Blogger Needs to Know" by Denise J. Hughes. She calls blogging a way to join in on online conversations. 


Her phrase keeps going through my head. Join the conversation. I have decided to dedicate my Fridays to doing this very thing. Part of getting my own blog up and running means I read other blogs. I note their design, the writing styles and content. Becoming a student of this new writing platform. 


In these blogs, I also see God at work. Or see where He might want to work. Through me. Or you.


Some of my writing ideas come from these blogs. I see themes starting to form. I mentally prepare responses. On Fridays, I am committing to writing my thoughts down. 


Let’s call them: 

Friday Conversations.


If you come across a blog post you would like more conversation about, please let me know. I’m willing to throw my unique voice into the mix. Together, we’ll "join the conversation." See you tomorrow!


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