Heart of a Lion: A Guest Post
Vacation Bible Schools and the B-I-B-L-E

Happy Anniversary: Traces of God in the Blogging Journey

Remember in high school when we would celebrate month anniversaries? Possibly because it was rare to actually have a high school relationship make it twelve months, or a year. But I digress.


Today I celebrate the six-month anniversary of my blog, tracesoffaith. The one you are reading right now. I wanted to spend some time with this post reflecting on the blogging journey thus far.


It started with me facing my fear of calling myself a writer. Not because I don’t love to write. But because I am not technically published, so the enemy can convince me I am a fake. God continues to teach me it’s not about the world’s definition of things. He gives me things to say, I put them on paper. I am a writer.


And wasn’t God smart to give us the Internet? Where I can write. Sans editor. For free.


Traces Of God In The Blogging Journey


I didn’t start blogging until I had several articles written already. Early on in my blogging experience, God had me face another fear of mine. I accepted a challenge over at conversiondiary.com, Jennifer Fulwiler's website, where I posted seven posts in seven days with no prep. 


I also wondered if I would have enough material to keep the blog active. What would happen if I posted consistently for a few months and then just ran out of gas? Not another idea popped into my head.


Well, the reality is the exact opposite has happened. I get ideas so often I keep a topic list on my computer. I also jot down ideas in a notebook I keep in my purse. I have dozens of blog articles saved that have either inspired me with an idea of my own or that I’d like to respond to someday.


Some nights, I wake up in the middle of the night formulating an idea. Traces of Faith has become a machine and I try to operate it well.


Blog articles have a format all their own. I have enjoyed becoming a student of the craft. I read other articles and note what captures my attention. Also what makes me skim the article and make a quick exit.


It is not just the quality of the writing. Also the layout of the page. The length of each sentence and paragraph seem more important than the length of the article. Bold and italics. Quotes. I note what holds my attention. And try to write in that style on my own page. My husband calls it writing with sound bytes. I get it.


As with most endeavors, I have no idea where this is going. I do know God is in it. He has given me a heart for ministry, for His church, and this blog fits into that picture somehow.


Thank you to my faithful readers. As you probably know, a blog starts out being read by the author’s friends and family. For me, this also means I often share your stories on here.


Like this one about my friend who faced a cancer scare. 


Or this one about an online friend who helped me redefine church.


Again, thank you for allowing me to tell your stories. Without exception.


Slowly, my blog audience is growing. As you share links to certain articles. Through the online community of Twitter. Search engines. I’m learning about effective ways to share the blog with new folks.


Please, if you take the time to read a post, and think in your mind, “I like it,” go ahead and tell your finger to hit like. Either on the blog article page itself or on Facebook. This all helps spread the word about my presence on the Internet.

Article comments are also appreciated. I love getting them on Facebook, but again, please consider sharing them on the blog. I am learning these little steps make a huge difference.


I have read (online) that many blogs actual generate an income. Through ad space, links to products, etc. Again, so much to learn in this new project. None of this is happening for me yet, but I am committed. We’ll see what God has in store.


In my 20’s I worked in marketing. Another part of my mind I have trouble turning off when it gets going. Many times over the last few months, I imagine how different my corporate career would have been with the implementation of social media. An age where we can tell hundreds, thousands of people something in just seconds. A powerful, sometimes dangerous tool.


Would you pray for me as I share about faith? I had this post questioned recently by a reader. She knew much more about the topic than I did and presented some valid points. I am not trying to come across as a theologian or an expert. But just someone who is on this faith journey alongside all of you. And I want to see traces of God in it. The last thing I want to do is present false information. Pray I would be diligent about any and all research.


But really, readers, as long as I can trace God in this project, I will continue. After all, it is really all His story. To His glory.


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