Speak: How Your Story Can Change the World - A Book Review
Kingdom Work & Comparing

Kari Jobe's Majestic Tour - A Preview

I’m partnering with Family Christian to promote Kari Jobe’s upcoming “Majestic Tour" this fall. I am thankful for the opportunity. Opinions expressed here are my own.



Majestic, Kari Jobe's latest album


Our church wraps up a sermon series on Heaven and Hell in these next few weeks. Referencing dozens of Scripture passages, our pastor unwrapped what we can know about eternity. He has also told us from time to time, “I don’t know.” I am proud of him for being real and human from the pulpit.


On more than one occasion during these Sundays, I have gotten goosebumps as he has described Heaven. I am brave enough to say Amen. I have reached a point where I can raise my hands in praise. But what I really want to do is stand up, shout hallelujah, and jump up and down.


Because Heaven sounds, well, awesome.


Uninhibited worship awaits me, I am certain. If not in these earthly days, then in Heaven someday, face to face with the Almighty God in all His majestic glory.


Until that day, we as believers settle for glimpses of His glory. And music, the real purpose for today’s post, often gives us these moments of beautiful insight. 


In particular, certain artists offer us glimpses. They usher us into the presence of Jesus. Because when they sing, their audience narrows right down to One.  


Artists like Kari Jobe. If you’re familiar with any of her songs, I know you’ll agree with me. Songs such as:

Revelation Song

We Are 



This fall, you and I have the opportunity to experience some glimpses of glory in several cities. Brought to us by the talented Kari Jobe on her “Majestic Tour,” showcasing songs from her latest album by the same name. Visit this link to see if she’ll be performing near you. 


I’m going to Kari’s concert. Fully expecting to worship. I’ll say Amen. I’ll raise my hands in praise. And who knows, maybe I’ll be brave enough to stand up, shout hallelujah, and jump up and down.



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