Overrated: Are we more in love with the idea of changing the world than actually changing the world? - A Book Review
Church and the Great Commission

A Halloween Guest Post



"Let me start by saying I have no haunting tales from my own childhood Halloween experiences. It never spooked me. Seeing the scary costumes didn’t impact me one way or the other. Attending the haunted house set up in the sanctuary of my church might seem a bit strange now, but I thought nothing of it at the time.


So when we had our daughter, my husband and I weighed the pros and cons of Halloween. As parents. Together, we decided we would not celebrate this holiday...."


I'm writing about our journey to make Halloweeen an event where we can trace our own faith over at fellow blogger, Kori's, website, Just-Another-Mom-Dot-Net. I'm thankful for the opportunity to share our story. Click on this post link to read the rest of the story at Kori's site. Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? Here's a Faith Filled Approach.


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