Where everyone is loved and pursued
Today's lesson from a grateful mom

Unstoppable: Running the Race You Were Born To Win - A Book Review

 I received a copy of "Unstoppable: Running the Race You Were Born To Win" written by Christine Caine, from netgalley.com for the purpose of generating a review. Italicized quotes are from the book. The opinions expressed here are my own.



“I put in my time when my kids were young.”  ***  “I’m busy with little ones at home but I plan to do more later.”  ***  “The younger generation doesn’t have anything to learn from me.”  ***  “I’m too young and inexperienced to have anything to offer.”  ***  “Working full-time doesn't leave me any spare time to volunteer right now.”  ***  “I’m retired.”


We’ve all heard these explanations for why some believers aren’t active in their churches today.


I always want to respond by telling them what their involvement means to me. To the younger person, how proud I am that they are choosing to live for Christ at such a young age. To that older couple, how much hope they offer when I see their marriage still going strong after all those years. That I need my daughter to be loved on by people of all ages in her church family.


Because in all their life experience and years of studying the Bible, my church family has much to teach me. Sometimes using words.


I think that’s what resonated with me most as I read Christine Caine’s latest book, Unstoppable. She tells story after story of ordinary people who God rescues and then uses. She explains that over time their roles change but God continues to use the willing and able. As long as they’re willing and able.


“The point is, God’s call comes to each of us in every age and stage of life. He calls us to step out of our comfort zone and into the exchange zone, ready to run for him and carry the love of God and the truth of his power into the lives of others. Often, we have no idea what task the Lord will assign us until it is thrust into our hands.”


Christine lives this truth. She walks beside other believers who also serve Him every day. Through their work with A21, a non-profit organization that fights human trafficking worldwide. Not one of the people Christine mentions in the book knew where God would call them to serve. They had no way of knowing that events in their past would prepare them for the ministry work they participate in today. Yet, often, the only real qualification they had to offer when they stepped into a ministry position was life experience.


“The greatest champions I know are ordinary people who trust the true champion, Jesus, to come through and do what he said he would do. They run. They obey. They follow Jesus anywhere and everywhere, and no matter what challenges they hit, they keep on running.”


We can’t possibly know what God will use. Where He would have us serve next. How one ministry position prepares us for future work. The key is to remain Unstoppable in saying “yes” to Him.


“If you don’t have a spiritual passion burning inside you today, challenging you, leaving you wowed and honored to be doing your work for the Lord, you’re missing the thrill of running your part in the race.”


She doesn’t sugar-coat it, does she? The book also discusses handing off ministry work. Times when God taps us on the shoulder and says move on because I have this work in mind for another person now. 


Our babies. Right? No! God’s ministry work. Always.


“Good-bye to ownership and hello to stewardship...Good-bye to control and hello to change... Good-bye to insecurity and hello to humility... Good-bye to the past and hello to the future.”


Perhaps the highest endorsement I can give this book is the fact that we’ll be using it as our Bible study book this summer. Often in the summer, we do a chapter book rather than looking at a specific study or book of the Bible. It allows the ladies to still keep up with us amidst all the summer travel and other activities.


The book shares various Bible stories, breaking them down and explaining their meaning. We’ll be doing that too. Because. Bible. Study.


As I read Christine’s book, I knew it was an inspired one for believers of all ages. In every way, it reminds me that this race never ends and I’ve got a part, actually several parts, to play in it.


And to that beautiful older generation in our churches, Christine has a specific word for you:

“There is no retirement from the race this side of heaven! Your passion can be refueled and your weary heart refreshed and re-nourished. Whatever your story, you are sorely needed.”

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