Christmas Eve reflections for my daughter (and me)
When Camp Makes A Difference All Year Long

New Year & In The Beginning


I am no theologian. But perhaps I have the heart of one. A few years ago, I decided to read through the Bible in one year. Using a chronological Bible I had picked up on sale. 



Like this one.


On January 1st the following year, I started reading in the first chapter of Genesis.


In the beginning.


My mom started the same reading plan. A few friends of mine locally did as well. And it took off. Captured our hearts and minds.


Reading the story of God as it unfolds. Like the greatest love story. Ever. It shows God’s commitment to us. No, his COVENANT.


That gets at the heart of God more.  

In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began.” (Titus 1:2)


God, who still loved His people:

When Cain couldn’t handle his jealousy and took the life of his brother.


For the forty long years in the wilderness while the Israelites loved Him. Loved Him not. SMH (shake my head). Until we look in the mirror.


Through the years of judges and battle. A fight for a small piece of Promised Land that people still fight over today.


In exile. In four hundred years of silence. 


On to a New Testament. Every year, about August, us faithful readers finally, FINALLY, get to meet the baby Jesus. Oh, how we long for Jesus after eight months in the Old Testament!


And we read about a new covenant.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1)


We learned even more about the love of God:

That He loved the world so much that He gave His only Son. For us.


Even though we have earthly governments, God always remains in charge.


Jesus is in every way - Plan A.


Someday, Jesus will return. Sin will be no more and He will reign supreme. In heaven and on earth.


The Scriptures opened up for me even more as I read the story in order. Also as I found fellow believers who joined me in reading. So, the next year, we opened up the opportunity to others.


We started a Facebook group dedicated to reading through the Bible chronologically in a year. I took on the task of facilitating this group. We read along together. Ask the hard questions. Share some cool findings. Empathize with the real Bible characters we walked beside each day. And we offer accountability to one another. Perhaps the greatest part.


In order to understand many of the passages I was reading and in an attempt to answer the very good questions folks were asking in our group, we needed more resources. Here are a few I picked up at Family Christian. Most helpful. Written for the average Bible student. Not seminary textbooks. I have shared these titles with several of my friends who are eager to dive deeper into Scripture. 



Deluxe Then & Now Bible Maps



The IVP Bible Background Commentary


Starting tomorrow, our group sets out to do it again. Genesis through Revelation in one year. If it’s something that interests you, I’d invite you to join us. We number about 70 right now. From all over the country. Michigan. Florida. Texas. Missouri. Massachusetts. Kansas. To name a few. Just comment below or contact me via email or Facebook. 


You hear all kinds of well wishes this time of year.

Happy Holidays! 

Happy New Year!

See You Next Year!

New Year and In the Beginning


But for me, my years have developed a new salutation. On December 31st each year, I read these words: 

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, The Beginning and the End.” Revelations 22:13


And I wake up on January 1st, sit down in my sacred space with a cup of coffee, and read these words:

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Genesis 1:1



I'm pleased to be partnering with Family Christian Stores for this New Year post. While the post is sponsored, the opinions expressed here are my own. 


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