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Hope For The Weary Mom - A Book Review

I didn’t know a single person in the group. I only knew they were a bunch of moms. That pretty much put us all in the same boat. Right? 


My daughter was eight months old the first time we attended the mom’s group at the local Baptist church. From the moment we walked up the sidewalk, we received a warm greeting. A sweet lady held the door open for us. We got signed in and received our nametags. I took her to the nursery door.


A grandma-type smiled at us. I gave her my baby and she immediately started singing to her.


That’s when I knew. I found myself among angels.


 I received an advanced copy of  "Hope for the Weary Mom: Let God Meet You In The Mess," written by Stacey Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin, from NetGalley for the purpose of generating a review. Italicized quotes are from the book. The opinions expressed here are my own.


Authors Stacey Thacker and Brooke McGlothlin understand the need for groups like the one I attended. Christian sisters to call friends.


Not just when our children are babies and toddlers. All through life. For while our feet may grow weary chasing after the little ones, our hearts grow weary helping our older children make decisions. Our knees grow weary praying for the families of our adult children.


That same four year-old is now a teenager. The physical weariness I felt during her toddler years has faded and been replaced with an emotional weariness I feel almost daily. We are making decisions this week that will most likely affect the rest of her life. (Stacey)


The authors take turns writing chapters in this book. They share a lot of their stories so you get a chance to find things you can relate to in the lives of both. 


Brooke is a counselor. Early on, she writes a chapter about the type of person you are and how that affects your mothering style. Also who you’ll tend to be in a friendship. She gives strengths, weaknesses and examples of each. The categories are as follows:

Introverted Relater                


Extoverted Relater                


Introverted Doer


Extroverted Doer


I found myself in this description:

Introverted Relaters can often be found leading small group Bible studies, writing blogs, serving on the women’s ministry team at church... As a mom, the Introverted Relater thrives on helping her children understand their own hearts. Communication is her best asset.... (Brooke)


She encourages us to look at our friends and see where they fill in our gaps. Whether than seeing our weaknesses as downfalls...

I could spend my days being thankful that God has surrounded me with friends who bring variety to my life. (Brooke)


Stacey, mom to four girls, admits:

The truth is, being a mom to four girls has been a humbling work for me... I stumble and fumble all day long with an audience of four watching. (Stacey)


She shares how she reached a point where she couldn’t do it anymore. And when she cried out to God, He provided. Good friends. More of Jesus.


From mommy guilt to grieving over the death of a child to dealing with teenagers, there aren’t many mommy topics this book doesn’t cover. And it offers some practical answers!

I believe the answer is laying down the habit of weariness and embracing a heart of worship for the Lord. Because anything less than the very presence of Jesus will never satisfy. (Stacey)


For you procrastinators, I’ve done the hard work for you way early. Mother’s Day falls on May 10th this year. Gifting this book would make you look like a rockstar. Click here to buy it now.


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