100 Ways Being Your Mom Has Changed Me
1. The moment you were born, my whole world shifted.
2. I have a heart full of your baby moments.
3. That same heart holds moments from the toddler and early school years.
4. Nothing beats celebrating a first with you.
5. Sometimes I’ll look back at younger pictures of you and I’d give most anything for another day of that stage.
6. Looking back, I'm thankful I let you (mostly) dress yourself. These photos make for great memories.
7. A large piece of my heart really does walk around outside of me.
8. My heart softened towards those who would never know motherhood.
9. My heart broke for mothers who suffer through the death of a child.
10. I hated divorce even more when I realized how much it could hurt a child.
11. I love foster parents.
12. I'm in awe of the bond that develops between a parent and their adopted child.
13. I do not know how single parents do it.
14. Child Abuse leaves me full of anger.
15. I don't know what to do when national tragedies strike. When I don't know what to do, I pray.
16. When I learn of sick children, I feel tremendous gratitude for your health.
17. Social justice became about actual people and not just numbers.
18. When I hear about abandoned children, I pray our family will always stay together.
19. I don't want you to have to bury me.
20. I grieved the loss of my own father at a different level.
21. I feel the deepest sense of pride over your accomplishments.
22. I get all weepy when I think about the good work of teachers.
23. I'm thankful for a school where parents are encouraged to be involved.
24. I work harder on my marriage.
25. I love my husband well so you'll know how to do that.
26. I keep myself open to the love of my husband so you'll see the blessings of that as well.
27. I felt an undeniable longing to give you a country upbringing like I had.
28. I lost interest in the adventures of big city living.
29. Taking you to the library never gets old.
30. I want you to crave the wild adventures that can only be found in a good book.
31. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you in Muck boots trouncing around in our yard.
32. I firmly believe every person should own a pair of cowboy boots and Mucks.
33. Animals and nature took on greater meaning when I realized your love for them.
34. I (tried to) lay aside my fear of snakes so you wouldn’t develop the phobia yourself.
35. I realize now what living on a farm teaches you about life and death.
36. I want you to always have a healthy awareness of where your food comes from.
37. I determined you must know the importance of kindness.
38. It occurs to me there are several things more important than your GPA.
39. I want to live a life without fear in case you decide to follow my example.
40. I cringe at the thought of anyone ever hurting your feelings.
41. I realized mothering never ends.
42. I've so enjoyed getting to know you.
43. I gained a new best friend.
44. If you someday wear makeup or a bikini, I want you to do so for all the right reasons.
45. I want you to be fully aware of how to drink responsibly.
46. Although I enjoy doing things without you on occasion, a part of me is sad to experience things alone I know you'd enjoy.
47. You have the potential to hurt my feelings and break my heart.
48. You are God’s first but I cannot imagine how I’d ever give you up.
49. Family ties became more important than any grievances.
50. I'm thankful for the great cousin memories you already have.
51. I hope you have tons more cousin moments.
52. The importance of travel grew as I wanted you to realize the actual world is bigger than your small place in it.
53. Your laugh makes my heart sing like nothing else can.
54. I couldn’t be more thankful to God for giving you the gift of music. Your toys rarely talked with one another, they sang!
55. Your imagination and creativity on paper often blow me away.
56. Nothing beats watching you on a stage.
57. Your tears hurt me too.
58. I realize the importance of consistency in discipline.
59. I do a better job at living in the present.
60. Mostly I don't mind when you take over every corner of our home with your art and your decorated boxes and just all your stuff.