The Delight Of Giving Our Children Simple Gifts
The Stories Behind My Five Most Read Blog Posts of 2016

You Are Here Stories: Hope In A Bowl Of Soup

Every year, we ate Christmas dinner at Grandma’s house. Driving there in the car, I’d pull my nose out of the book about the time we’d hit the big hill on her gravel road. A few minutes later, we’d see the small, white house – her closest neighbor.
I got a lot of reading done in the 45 minutes it took to get from our house to hers.
As we slowed down to turn into the long lane that was her driveway, I wondered which of my cousins were already there. Was there still enough daylight to go exploring in the barn? Would we get in trouble if we climbed on the roof of the pig-less pig pen? Would the roof cave in under our collective weight? Regardless, I knew just up ahead was an evening filled with cousins, presents and good food.
I’m not sure whose idea it was, but at some point we got away from our traditional holiday meal of ham and cheesy potatoes. Maybe it was because, as grandma got older, the adults wanted to take some of the responsibility off her hands. My aunts started offering up soups-usually chili, potato, and vegetable.  
Click here to head on over to You Are Here Stories and read my reflections on the soup suppers we had at Grandma's. For me, the holidays are all Jesus and family and food.
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