Her View From Home: 25 Reasons You're Not Just My Daughter, You're My Friend
I went into this parenting thing firmly believing it was my job to be your parent, not your friend. I still believe that, but at the same time, I’m delighted to see how easily we’ve become friends too. While I realize we have the tween and teen years up ahead – when parenting may have to take priority – I’m confident our friendship will weather any storms we endure. Here are 25 reasons why you’re not just my daughter, you’re my friend.
- Whether it’s karaoke night at our house, or we’re plucking away at our instruments, music runs through your veins.
- We both know dozens of songs from a variety of musicals.
- Speaking of songs, your taste in music is developing nicely.
To read the 22 other reasons I call my daughter "friend," visit me at Her View From Home.