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Her View From Home: My Husband's Faith Doesn't Look Like Mine



He attends church with us most of the time, but I wouldn’t say it’s the highlight of his week.



Sometimes, right in the middle of the pastor’s preaching, my husband pulls out his phone and starts scrolling through various news feeds. Yet, he could still tell you the main points of any particular sermon.


My husband’s faith doesn’t look like mine.


Partly because of his busy work schedule, my husband doesn’t participate in small group Bible studies. This doesn’t bother him in the least.


My husband’s faith doesn’t look like mine.


Although he has his own Bible, it doesn’t get opened on a daily basis, and he’s more likely to share biblical tidbits he comes across on the Internet than those he finds in Scripture himself.


My husband’s faith doesn’t look like mine.


Over the years, at various times, these things have bothered me... to keep reading about what I've discovered about the faith walk in my own marriage, come visit me at Her View From Home.

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