When We Sing To Our Babies
Dwell - Whatever Is True

An October Series: Dwell On These Things




There's a group of Christian writer friends who participate in author Kate Motaung's "Five Minute Friday" group each week. On Friday mornings, a writing prompt is given, and writers are encouraged to free write (all at once, no editing) for five minutes about that one word. Last week was the word "potential." These short essays can be amazingly good. It's inspiring. I haven't participated for some time, but I appreciate what they're doing, and it's a great community. Here's one I did write, four years ago!


This month some of them are signing up to write 31 posts in October. Writing and posting. Every single day. I thought about doing that. You hear it on repeat, the best way to get better at writing is to write. I'll likely write most days, just like these men and women will do, but it won't all get published instantly on my blog. I didn't think I was in a place to work under that kind of pressure. Sometimes, but not in this season.


So, instead, I'm going to do a themed series in October. In a time when social media noise can divide us, when life is so busy we can almost visibly see our heads spinning, I'm going to write on this verse:

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things. (Philippians 4:8 NASB)


That's what my mind needs to dwell on this October. Maybe yours too? Eight prompts in 31 days. Story driven, because I believe it's how we learn best. If you'd like to follow along, I'll use the hashtag #dwellonthesethings every time I publish a blog post on this topic. May our focus on these words right our focus on the Father.



Philippians 4-8 Series
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