An October Series: Dwell On These Things
Dwell - Whatever Is Honorable

Dwell - Whatever Is True


Dwell - Whatever is True #dwellonthesethings
photo credit: joanna nix (


We were seated in a circle in my friend's basement. Study books and Bibles open on our laps. Playful noises echoed from upstairs where our children were enjoying one another. Our time together was nearing an end.


I asked a simple question,

What is one thing you appreciate about Jesus?


There were some good answers. I mean, we should be able to go on all day right? 


We went around the room,  and there were only a couple woman left. Our eyes turned to Kelly. With big tears in her own eyes, she said,

I'm just so glad he tells the truth. I grew up in a home where my parents would say one thing, but often do another. They'd promise to take us somewhere for example, but then get busy doing other things, and we wouldn't end up going. 


Our God is truth. Not only does he tell the truth, he embodies it.


I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but through me. - Jesus (John 14:6)


I'm thankful my friend found Jesus to be her Truth. When we dwell on things that are true, as we're encouraged to do in Philippians 4:8, may they guide us to the same conclusion. May they lead us to Jesus.




There's another verse that comes to mind when I consider dwelling on the truth. The belt of truth we're called to put on in Ephesians 6:14. This belt is meant to be keep us steady. On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand. Other pieces of God's armor attach to this belt... righteousness, the sword of the spirit.


We have an enemy. Not only is he the father of lies, he's an expert at creating half-truths as well. Think about it. Satan wants us to consider the intricate details of our lives, and convince us of one thing...


God is not telling us the truth.


God couldn't call you beloved when he knows about your past.

God can't heal the relationship that looks irreparable to you.

God won't work through the church anymore.

God isn't for your marriage because it's too far gone.

God doesn't love a broken person.

God wants you busier.


For Christians, truth and The Truth (Jesus) and God's Word (as truth) are intertwined. As we push away the dark, refute the half-truths and claim freedom from the lies our enemy would have us believe, we make room for Jesus.


Truth pours in as we refuse to believe anything else. I'll leave you with a few more words from Jesus: 

If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - Jesus (John 8:32)


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