Beginner's Guide To Church History - A Resource List
I grew up in the church. For 40+ years I've called one church or another home. Yet I'm not certain I could pass even the most basic church history quiz. Furthermore, I don't have a pressing interest in reading the church fathers. I try from time to time, but their language is antiquated and those book are often l-o-n-g (sorry guys and gals).
Why is church history important? It's similar reasoning to why we study any history:
- That we might know our roots
- We realize church has always been made up of very different people with very different beliefs
- There are opportunities to learn both good and bad responses to our present-day church
- We feel an inspiring connection to the faithful who have gone before us
- Helps us develop sound theology
- A commentary of sorts on various interpretations of Scripture
- God was there
So I went to Twitter. I asked for book suggestions for those of us who would like to know more church history but are really, truly beginners. Here's what they had to offer:
Eusebius: The Church History (book from Kregel Academic)
5 Minutes In Church History: an Introduction to the Stories of God's Faithfulness in the History of the Church (book based on the podcast by the same name - Reformation Trust Publishing)
Christian History Made Easy (book from Rose Publishing)
Church History in Plain English (book from Zondervan Academic)
Pocket History of the Church (book by IVP Academic)
A Nearly Infallible History of Christianity (book by Hodder & Stouten Ltd)
History Lives Box Set: Chronicles of the Church (kids' series by CF4Kids)
The Story of Christianity (Volume 1): The Early Church to the Dawn of the Reformation (book by HarperOne)
The Story of Christianity (Volume 2): The Reformation to the Present Day (book by HarperOne)
Anno Domini: The First Five Hundred Years of the Church (workbook from If: Gathering)
Anno Domini: The Middle Ages & Reformation (workbook from If: Gathering)
A People's History of Christianity: The Other Side of The Story (book by HarperOne)
A Multitude of All Peoples (book by IVP Academic)