Gifting The Church Twitter Series - Mennonite
Bible Study Recap of Women, Submit Yourselves To Your Husbands As Is Fitting To The Lord

Gifting The Church Twitter Series - Assemblies of God


#pentecostal #assembliesofgod #aog #charistmatic #baptismbyholyspirit #holyspirit


The series continues. On June 5th, I began a series in which I asked "What has [fill in the blank] tradition gifted the larger Church?" The one rule was the answers had to be edifying, which twitter people are (mostly). You can find the results of this twitter series on my blog or using the hashtag, #GiftingTheChurch (thanks for the idea Pastor Daniel).


For better or for worse, twitter will keep you honest. I asked about the ways the Assemblies of God denomination has gifted the greater Church and right away, people asked if I meant Pentecostal or Charismatic. It's a good reminder to not put our churches in a box. A Catholic church in a small town is very different from one in a large city. A little pentecostal church is quite different from an Assemblies of God mega-church. That being said, the thread came up with a pretty good list.


Click here to read Day One - Methodist

Click here to read Day Two - Lutheran

Click here to read Day Three - Mennonite


Day Four - Assemblies of God


  • Openness to the movement of the Holy Spirit in today's world.


  • Vibrant and engaging worship that doesn't sacrifice theology for fun.


  • Practical, experiential, Bible teaching.


  • Jesus sent the Comforter - AOG reminds us that "school is not out," just a different teacher.


  • Radically giving in to the movement of the Spirit and allowing themselves to FEEL the Spirit. Something other traditions could use a bit of....


  • Allowing emotions to be expressed instead of condemned as ungodly.


  • The invocation of the Spirit.


  • A balanced practice of the charismatic movement.


  • Praise and worship!


  • Hillsong.


  • Some of the first televangelists, even with the moral failure that went with it, at their core there was a strong evangelistic theme that is very much a part of this denomination.


  • Constantly concerned with reaching the world for Jesus.


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  • Strong missions program.



  • One of the few pentecostal denominations willing to stand up to charismatic insanity.


  • Pentecostalism influenced the charismatic movement and reminded other protestants and Catholics that God still acts in creation.


  • God in present tense.


  • The surprising theological diversity of the modern charismatic movement.


  • Elvis (gospel & otherwise).


  • Convoy of Hope; a model for a successful faith-based disaster assistance organization that is capable of working with governments around the world.


  • Experiential worship.


  • Undaunted by skin color and place in life when going to share the gospel. They didn't stay in safe areas. 


  • Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and diversity.



  • The stubborn insistence that God cannot be domesticated and he will empower witnesses to live the way of Jesus in global settings.


  • Pentecostalism isn't a denomination; it's a movement.


  • Affirmation of women in ministry.


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