Speaking & Podcast Opportunities
Interested in booking me for an event in your area? My books, Not All Who Wander (Spiritually) Are Lost, and Shaky Ground: What to Do after the Bottom Drops Out, are available wherever books are sold. I'm available for book signings, book club or author appearances as well. Email me at [email protected].
I'm skilled at leading a group of 10-50 individuals through my church story, or a passage of Scripture, and then breaking into small groups to discuss what we can learn. Having conversations like these reminds us we as believers are part of a bigger story.
Some Topic Suggestions Include:
These Are the Churches in Your Neighborhood
One of Traci’s greatest joys is exploring various church traditions. This is the premise of her forthcoming book; we’ll discover more of Jesus when we learn from one another. This talk will be tailored to your local community and gives women a chance to learn about the churches in your own backyard. She offers a general history behind the denominations and highlights some of the unique things they offer. It’s a Celebration of Church with a capital C.
The Women of Acts & The Pauline Epistles
Traci is in her eight year of reading through the Bible chronologically in a year. Although she grew up in Sunday School, she’s continuously amazed at the stories she reads about that she doesn’t remember from her childhood. As she’s stepped more into ministry leadership roles, the women who stood beside Paul and others in leading the early church almost jump off the page. Mighty women for God like Nympha, Junia and Phoebe. Women worthy of learning more about and telling our own sons and daughters too.
Questions To Ask Other Christians (Without Offending Them)
Sometimes it seems like we walk around on eggshells. Bring up the wrong topic, even among a group of Christians, and verbal bombs might detonate. We’ve forgotten the art of conversation. Using real life examples and teaching through storytelling, Traci will lead the group in discovering that we all do in fact still have plenty in common, in spite of our differences. (Note: This can be a traditional speaking session or a hands-on workshop style presentation.)
In our virtual world, podcasts have emerged as a great way to reach thousands of audience members worldwide. I'm available for online interviews as well. Here are a few samples of interviews I've done. For a full list of interviews done for each of my books, visit Not All Who Wander or Shaky Ground.
Here is a list of sample interviews:
Can I Say That At Church (with Seth Price)
Two Christians & A Jew: What is Torah? (with Meir Simchah, Jennifer Brown Jones, Frank Taylor)
Gravity Leadership Podcast (with Ben Sternke and Matt Tebbe)
Time Eternal Podcast (with Nicole Roccas)
A Priest & A Rabbi LIVE radio show (with Father Christian Anderson and Rabbi Matthew Durbin)
In Conversation With... (with Kevin Barhydt)
Got Hope? Apologetics (with SJ Thomason)