Shaky Ground Interviews
Since my second book, Shaky Ground: What to Do After the Bottom Drops Out, released July 2022, I've been doing several interviews to discuss the book itself, and those spiritual practices that can help us keep our feet on the solid ground of Jesus Christ. If you'd like to speak with me about Shaky Ground or anything book or church-related on your show, please reach out via email at tdhnow at gmail dot com.
Here's the list of podcast episodes:
In Conversation With... (with Kevin Barhydt)
Stories of Hope in Hard Times (with Tamara K Anderson)
Apologetics (with SJ Thomason)
YouTube Interview (with Sovann Penn)
Share Life book discussion (with Jason Montoya)
A Few Minutes With... (with Rev. Matt Rhodes)
Spark My Muse (with Lisa Colon DeLay)
Halfway There (with Eric Nivens)
Rooted by the Stream (Dr. Pam Morrison)
Untangled Faith Podcast (Amy Fritz)