The Garden Within - A Book Review
Enduring Grace Church Year Journal Review

Finding Jesus Doll Review

When it comes to Elf on the Shelf, a craze from a few years back, my relationship is complicated. A family friend gave this doll to my daughter, and I didn't want to participate in hiding the doll around the house. We did read the book, and I've since read some of the story behind this newer tradition. It's sweet, but once social media got a hold of it, things went a little nuts. Surely you've seen the myriad of pictures of people placing the Elf around the house...

Sitting in flour, baking in the kitchen

On a train under the Christmas tree

In the bathroom brushing his or her teeth

Snuggled into the child's bed at night

It was a lot. Can I get an amen?

Also, Isn't Jesus the reason for the season?

My daughter liked the Elf on the Shelf. She moved it around some, as one would with dolls. We bought some outfits. It's worked out okay. I've loosened up a lot on holiday traditions, because Christians can have fun, after all. 


Now, when I saw this Jesus doll, and considered how moving the doll in all the fun and creative ways could be a part of Advent (25 days of preparation for the arrival, 'advent,' of Jesus Christ at Christmas time), I found a connection between the two traditions I could get excited about. Please let me introduce you to the Finding Jesus Doll Kit. Here's my honest review.

  • 12” - Finding Jesus Doll
  • 4.5” x 6” - Scripture Book
  • 14.75” x 11.25” x 3” - Puzzle Frame Box
  • Approximately 2.5” x 2.5” Puzzle Pieces


I was eager to look at the Scripture Book, thinking this could be the most impactful switch from the alternate tradition, Elf on the Shelf. I did see Find Martha Stewart and Find Snoop Dogg dolls recently, but that's an entirely different conversation and we'll save it for another blog post.

Back to the Scripture Book. The first few pages are instructions. Then a cute poem about finding Jesus and reading God's word. Then, starting November 30th, you put a puzzle piece a day in the back of the Jesus Doll, then move him around your house (see Pinterest, IG, FB for ideas aplenty). Once the doll and puzzle piece are found, read the corresponding scripture verse for that day. Please open your Bible to the verse. It's printed in the book as well, but our little ones need to see us using our Bible, and learning to use it themselves. 

Here are some lovely words about the enclosed puzzle, which will be completed and placed in the enclosed frame just in time for Christmas, from the founder of the Finding Jesus Doll Kit:

The puzzle is kinda like how we walk with Jesus…we don’t know the full picture, but we get what we need for each day and he works it all out to a beautiful picture. And I have been collecting testimonies of how or when people found Jesus.  That is another way that people can share.  It is really about a personal relationship with Jesus…that is my hope for this product…to encourage and/or deepen relationships with Jesus. ~Lillian


Finally, you note the sealed envelope in the kit that reads "The Greatest Gift." On the back it says, "Open on Christmas Day." So, that's what we plan to do. I can't tell you what the card says because ours will remain sealed until then. Didn't your parents teach you to not peek?! See how exciting the season of Advent is, with so much to look forward to in 25 days!


If you'd like to purchase your own Finding Jesus Doll Kit, use my link here. ALSO, we're giving one away! You must be 18 years or older to enter. Deadline: 11/30/24. ENTER TO WIN HERE.

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