Grab a Bible and look up these passages with your children each day. If you have an advent tree, gift them a trinket or chocolate with each reading. As they get older, let them look up the passages. My teenager still uses this list and she "does it all by herself."
Day 1 - Mary lived in the town of Nazareth. An angel named Gabriel came to her and said, “Good news! You’re going to have a baby.” (Luke 1:26-28)
Day 2 - Mary and Joseph planned to get married. Joseph knew Mary shouldn’t have a baby yet and he was hurt and angry. While he slept, he saw an angel in a dream who told him it was OK to get married because Mary’s baby was the Son of God - Jesus. (Matt. 1:20-21)
Day 3 - Mary had a relative named Elizabeth, who found out she was going to have a baby too. Jesus would have a cousin named John! Mary went to visit Elizabeth in a town located in the hill country of Judea. (Luke 1:13, 36, 39)
Day 4 - When Mary arrived at the home of Zechariah and Elizabeth, the baby in Elizabeth’s belly leaped insider her and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. “Mary! You carry the Son of God,” Elizabeth said. (Luke 1:40-44)
Day 5 - After Mary’s visit to Elizabeth, Mary went back to Nazareth and she and Joseph prepared to someday be married! (Luke 2:5)
Day 6 - Joseph and Mary learned that a ruler named Caesar wanted to count all the people in the land. This meant they would have to go to Bethlehem, the original town of Joseph’s family. (Luke 2:1)
Day 7 - So Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem, which was very far from their town of Nazareth. They couldn’t ride in a car like we do because there were no cars yet. They probably rode on a donkey and it was a journey of many days. (Luke 2:4)
Day 8 - After their long journey, they arrived in Bethlehem. But guess what?! They couldn’t find anywhere to stay! Time and again, they heard, “Sorry, no room in the inn. You can’t stay here; we’re full.” What were they going to do? (Luke 2:7)
Day 9 - One innkeeper was kind enough to let Mary and Joseph stay in his stable. So, they made a bed among the donkeys, cows and sheep. (Luke 2:7)
Day 10 - Once they got settled in to the stable, Mary realized she was getting ready to have the baby Jesus - among the donkeys, cows and sheep! And there was no one around to help them. (Luke 2:6)
Day 11 - Today’s story is the best part! Mary did have her baby that night, on Christmas. Baby Jesus!! Joseph helped her and they wrapped the Baby in swaddling clothes and laid Him in a manger. (Luke 2:7)
Day 12 - The shepherds were watching sheep nearby. That very night, some angels came to them. It scared them a little! (Luke 2:8-9)
Day 13 - An angel said to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid! Today a Savior is born, Christ the Lord.” He was joined by a whole choir of angels who sang, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace to men.” (Luke 2:10-14)
Day 14 - The shepherds obeyed the angels and went to Bethlehem looking for Jesus. Upon their arrival, it was just as they were told. They got to meet Baby Jesus - the very first visitors. (Luke 2:15-16)
Day 15 - After the shepherds left, the Bible tells us Mary remembered everything that happened that night. And she pondered the events in her heart as very special. (Luke 2:19)
Day 16 - After 40 days, the time needed for Mary to heal and feel better after having a baby, Mary and Joseph took Baby Jesus to church, or the temple, in Jerusalem. (Luke 2:22)
Day 17 - The first person that saw Baby Jesus at the temple was Simeon. He’d been told by God that although he was very old, he’d get to meet the Messiah. He took one look at Jesus, kissed His face and said, “Thank you God! This is our Messiah.” (Luke 2:25-35)
Day 18 - The next person to notice Jesus at the temple was a widow named Anna. She immediately knew Baby Jesus was the Messiah, who would save us. She thanked God for Him. (Luke 2:36-38)
Day 19 - Joseph and Mary brought Baby Jesus home from the temple in Jerusalem and they kept their little boy safe from King Herod and other enemies. King Herod would not like that there was now a “King of the Jews.” (Matt. 2:3,9)
Day 20 - The night Jesus was born, some Wise Men from the East took notice of a star. They knew this star meant the King of the Jews had been born. So they set off on a long journey to find Him. (Matt. 2:2)
Day 21 - Before the Wise Men made it to Jesus, they were called before the mean King Herod. He wanted to know all about the King Child they were looking to find. (Matt. 2:7-8)
Day 22 - Finally, after many months, the Wise Men arrived at the house where Jesus was staying. They worshiped Him and presented gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. (Matt. 2:11)
Day 23 - Then, being warned in a dream that King Herod really wanted to hurt Jesus, the Wise Men went back home a different way. (Matt. 2:12)
Day 24 - With God’s help, Joseph and Mary did keep Jesus safe. He grew to be a man, our Savior sent from God. Because of Jesus, the sinful, bad things we do don’t have to keep us from God. That’s why Jesus’ birthday is the best birthday of all! (John 3:16, Romans 6:23)
Day 25 - MERRY CHRISTMAS! Celebrate by opening the final Advent door and singing Happy Birthday to Jesus.